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Life Skills are fundamental for young people to develop the character qualities that are most employable and central to their personal development. At Guilsborough Academy we equip our students with a broad range of skills to help them throughout life.


Our Curriculum 

Our Life Skills curriculum forms a significant part of our wider personal development programme at Guilsborough Academy. Our scheme of learning interleaves topics within themes of

  • Living in the Wider World
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships and Sex Education

Our curriculum meets statutory guidance on RSE 2020, Health Education, Citizenship, British Values, SMSC and Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance.

Our Life Skills curriculum journey shows how we develop the skills of our students and the topics the students cover in each year. Click on our learning journey below to view it in more detail.

Learning Journey Link

The Framework of our intent

The aim of the Life Skills curriculum is to educate, inform and encourage students regarding personal, social, health and economic matters. To increase awareness of and involvement in, the life and concerns of their community and society, and so develop their capacity to be active and effective future citizens.

How will we reach these aims?

We do this through high quality teaching which ensures students understand our school ethos, supporting children in their development, and underpinning learning in the classroom, school, and in the wider community.

We want to help students to gain the social, employability and thinking skills that will help them to reach their full potential.

We want to provide opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.

We want to contribute to personal development by helping students to build their confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices, and understand what influences their decisions.

We want to enable students to recognise, accept and shape their identity, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Developing an understanding of themselves, empathy, and the ability to work with others will help students to form and maintain good relationships, develop essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives.

Guilsborough Academy Vision

How we embed this

We aspire to be our best and to do our best for others


As a team of teachers who work hard to engage our learners. We work together and constantly learn from each other. We overcome prejudice and misunderstanding by boldly exploring issues and challenging accepted norms.

We respect ourselves and others


Our discussions allow students to be open and to understand each other. We expect students to be kind to each other and to respect the views of others, even when we disagree.

Our learning knows no limits


We teach character and resilience so that our students are equipped to tackle the challenges of an increasingly complex and competitive world.

We are global citizens ready for the 21st Century

We teach relevant and current lessons based on best practice to fully equip our students for the world around them. We tackle contemporary and contentious issues and encourage respect, aspiration, responsibility and equality.

What is Life Skills like at Guilsborough?

Please watch our short video to see what studying Life Skills at Guilsborough is like.

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Life Skills is fun and we do useful stuff that will help in life. Like road safety, healthy choices and money.

Year 7 Student

It’s a nice change from normal lessons and we learn the most important things like revision techniques, coping with stress and healthy lifestyles.

Year 11 Student

All the UCAS, Study Skills and Careers has been very helpful and is needed in Sixth Form. The whole application process for University has been made easier to understand and we are helped every step of the way.

Year 13 Student


Where will Life Skills take me past Year 11?


In the Sixth Form Life Skills is delivered weekly through Tutorials, Assemblies and three times a year during Life Skills Days. The focus remains on preparing our students for the issues and challenges they will face during these crucial years and for post-18 pathways. Examples (not exhaustive) of content are:

  • Living in the Wider World
    • Financial Education
    • UCAS process and CV Writing
    • Study Skills
  • Health and Wellbeing
    • Coping with Stress and Anxiety
    • Sleep and Relaxation
    • Alcohol and Drugs Education
  • Relationships and Sex Education
    • Consent
    • Healthy Relationships
    • STI’s and Safer Sex


Life Skills equips you for life and work as part of our wider Personal Development Programme. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is a very significant arm of this Programme.

It is considered likely that a 15 year old today can expect to have on average, up to 17 different jobs in five different industries during their career. This is why our Life Skills Curriculum focuses on developing soft skills such as Teamwork, Reflection, Communication and Creativity. Alongside the work of our dedicated Careers Advisor, staff are focused on developing employability skills and outlining pathways available to young people.

Students at Guilsborough Academy are given meaningful interactions with employers every year, to build in the employability skills that they deserve and require most often through our dedicated Life Skills Days. We also arrange and facilitate a range of work experience opportunities, both virtual and in person. Our aim is to develop this provision into full coverage for all students before they finish Year 10.

Useful resources to support learning in Life Skills

These resources are useful for students to help consolidate knowledge learnt in lessons and to aid revision ;

BBC Bitesize 

Aspirational videos tailored to young people focusing on career options and educational pathways.

Explore BBC Bitesize by clicking here.

Young Minds

Information surrounding wellbeing, health and mental health

Explore Young Minds by clicking here.

Talk to Frank 

Age appropriate, honest and engaging information surrounding drugs and alcohol misuse

Explore Talk to Frank by clicking here.


Family Lives

Support for parents – helping students to understand healthy relationships


Explore Family Lives by clicking here.