Results and Achievements
2023 A-Level and Level 3 BTEC Results
Students, Staff, Parents and Carers celebrate another set of improved outcomes for our 6th form students. Outstanding Careers Information Advice and Guidance supports students to identify appropriate pathways beyond Sixth Form and this has resulted in successful next steps for all students.
Results Overview:
Average Grade: B
68% A*-B; up 8% on 2022
63% 3 A*-B
94% of University applicants gained their first choice; compared to 74% nationally
25% of University places are Russell Group Universities; up 5% on 2022
Continued success with Oxbridge
Alps Connect places the results in the top 25% nationally
Mr Dean Mills, Director of Sixth Form, stated:
I am extremely proud of this cohort of students given the many challenges they have faced, none more so than having not sat formal examinations previously. Not only are we celebrating students with excellent attainment, but several of our students have made outstanding progress during KS5. The student body have not only worked extremely hard for their personal achievements but also for the betterment of our Sixth Form environment and community. We are certain our students will excel in their chosen pathways and continue to be successful. We look forward to hearing about their further achievements through our Alumni programme.
Alongside those taking up University placements, the Academy also supports students wishing to undertake apprenticeships. 100% of our students were able to access their preferred pathway.
74% Degree or Higher Degree Apprenticeships
2% Work Based Apprenticeships
4% Employment
18% taking a confirmed gap year

(Reading Mathematics at Cambridge)

Jess A* A* A*, A in EQP (Reading Business Management at Leeds) and
Phoebe A* A* A (Reading Politics and International Relations at Manchester)
Mr Simon Frazer, Principal said:
It has been a challenging year for this cohort with the knowledge that their results were likely to be lower than previous cohorts. However, they have shown real determination and ambition. 4 students achieved straight A*s in their chosen A Levels, while a further 8 students achieved all A*s and As. Our Sixth Form is increasingly popular, and we are looking forward to continuing our tradition of delivering high attainment alongside opportunities to explore the Arts and other extra-curricular activities. I would like to congratulate all students and thank the amazing teaching and support staff who have worked with many of these students for the past 7 years.
2023 GCSE & Level 2 BTEC Results
At a time when the national picture of GCSE results returned to pre-pandemic grading arrangements and were down across the country, our students were celebrating great improvements.
Guilsborough’s 2023 results have shown an increase in the percentage of students achieving grades 7-9 in their chosen subjects, with the number of students achieving a grade 5 or above in core subjects such as English and Mathematics, increasing by 10%. The upwards trajectory in attainment across Guilsborough students is promising, when nationally we’d been pre-warned of a much different picture.
Mr Liam Niland, Assistant Principal and Link to Year 11 said:
Following what has been an extremely disruptive period for learning, we are delighted at the results of our students. This cohort have demonstrated remarkable maturity and resilience and the results are testament to their hard work and determination. The students’ achievements leave them well-placed for further success and we can’t wait to see what they achieve as they look towards their A Level studies in the Sixth Form and beyond. Congratulations to them all!
Results Overview:
Progress 8 score +0.11*
EBacc Progress +0.23*
Science Value Added +0.25*
Languages Value Added +0.28*
Humanities Value Added +0.45*
Attainment 8 score 49.41; up on 2022
80% 9-4 in English
70.4% 9-4 in English and Maths; up 3% on 2022
*This data is from SISRA analytics which has compared data from over 270,000 students across the country.

Both students achieved ten GCSEs graded between 7-9,seven of which were grade 9s.
Mr Simon Frazer, Principal stated:
We are so proud of the achievements of our Year 11 students. They worked hard during challenging times and have overcome barriers no other year group has faced. At a time when the national results are being lowered to bring them into line with 2019, attainment for our Year 11 has increased. This speaks volumes and reflects positively on the hard work of the students and staff. As we move into the next academic year, these results mean we will be welcoming increasing numbers into our highly successful Sixth Form.
An overview of school performance can be found on the Department for Education's Performance Tables website here.