Year 8 Term 1 and 2
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Observational Learning Task Topic: Insects
We will look at a range of Art skills including: symmetrical drawing; mark making techniques & patterns Skills: pencil; biro; crayon; fine-liner |
Baseline assessment
Mark making beetle Student’s work will be assessed at least every 6 lessons |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Topic: Insects We will look at a range of Art skills including: sgraffito techniques; artist research and response; collage |
Sgraffito pattern design Artist collage response |
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
War, Peace and Justice
No formal assessment this term |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
War, Peace and Justice
Capital punishment is always wrong. Discuss. |
Computer Science
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Students will be introduced to Python programming. Topics will include variables and data Types, arithmetic operators . |
Python Quiz, Python Project, Homework |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Students will be introduced to Modern Computer systems, Modern Computer System components, Operating systems and Software Application, Network Protocols, Emerging Technologies- AI, Virtual reality, IOT, Assessment |
Systems Architecture Quiz, Systems Architecture Project,
Design Technology
Curriculum Information |
Assessment information |
In Design Technology students will rotate around 4 subject areas and IT during the year. Students spend approximately 7 weeks in each subject area. They will be building on foundation skills learnt in Year 7 with a core focus on Design. Students will make a portable steady hand game. The project reinforces soldering technique and introduces students to a wider range of components. Students accurately measure, customise their wooden base and wire. They will also be introduced to more advanced drawing techniques such as orthographic projection. Textiles: Students will be making a Graffiti inspired textile case that includes a decorative panel, using recycled/found fabric. Students are welcome to buy and bring any of their own fabrics they may have access to. They will also be challenged to “draw with scissors”, inspired by Henri Matisse’s cut-outs. They will cut out shapes and layer these fabrics to create an illustrative textile outcome.
During each rotation students will be assessed on Design work, Homework and their Product outcome
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Term 1 - Gothic Fiction Students will explore the context of 19th century Britain, through the lens of the gothic genre. They will look at a series of key extracts from across the gothic genre, including its influences on modern fiction. Students will also focus on effective descriptions, using the gothic extracts as a starting point for writing their own descriptions of settings.
Term 2 - 19th Century Non-Fiction Students will learn about the context of the changing world in the 19th century, which also feeds into their study of Gothic literature. They will explore a range of forms of writing including:
Formative: written questions on comprehension and vocabulary. Short piece of descriptive writing.
Summative: comprehension questions & extended piece of descriptive writing.
Formative: knowledge quiz, vocabulary test, and comprehension tasks.
Summative: knowledge quiz, vocabulary test, and comprehension tasks.
Weekly Educake reading skills homework set on Go4Schools.
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Natural Hazards Plate tectonics, tectonic hazards, earthquakes, volcanoes, management and mitigation of hazards. Foundation for GCSE Natural Hazards topic.
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Global population
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
The Industrial Revolution
‘Conditions in the factories were the worst part of C19th life’. How far do you agree?
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Slavery and the American Civil War |
Who was the most important key individual to the abolishment of slavery?
Life Skills
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Unit C1 Proud to be me
Life Skills is not assessed by grades, other than a baseline and final assessment to measure positive progress.
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Unit C2 Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing
Life Skills is not assessed by grades, other than a baseline and final assessment to measure positive progress.
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Ratio and scale – understand and represent ratios, dividing in a given ratio, solving ratio problems when 1 part of the ratio is known, simplifying ratios, understanding the link between ratios and fractions, circumference of circle, gradients of lines Multiplicative change – direct proportion, conversion graphs, currency conversion, similar shapes, scale diagrams and maps Multiplying and dividing fractions – multiply fractions by an integer, multiply two fractions, divide integers by fractions, divide two fractions, multiply and divide mixed numbers and algebraic fractions |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Working in the cartesian plane – coordinates in all four quadrants, lines parallel to the axes, plotting straight line graphs, linking graphs to direct proportion, non-linear graphs, finding the midpoint of a line segment |
In class 45 minute non-calculator assessment to include: |
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
All About the Bass: bass clef notation, recapping treble clef notation, different types of bass lines, extended right hand technique on the keyboard, simple left hand accompaniments.
Notation test Practical keyboard assessment |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Complete Keyboard Performances
Film Music: uses of music in films. Musical devices used to create film music. Creating music for different scenes in films. Cue sheets
Final keyboard skills practical assessment. Bass clef notation test
Feedback on film music composition work. Listening exercises |
Curriculum Information Term 1 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Trampolining - Boys Netball - Girls Rugby - Boys Badminton - Girls Interhouse Football |
Verbal formative assessment of skills and knowledge, understanding and application in conditioned and competitive conditions. Completion of core task at beginning and end of block of work. |
Curriculum Information Term 2 |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Rugby/OAA - boys OAA/football – girls Trampolining/badminton – boys Netball/trampolining - girls Interhouse Indoor athletics
Verbal formative assessment of skills and knowledge, understanding and application in conditioned and competitive conditions. Completion of core task at beginning and end of block of work. |
Curriculum Information Term 1 and 2 |
Assessment information Term 1 and 2 |
Different science groups may have a slightly different order of topics through each term. Topics (Collins KS3 course) Force 2 part 1
Forces 2 part 2
Organisms 2 part 1
Organisms 2 part 2
Matter 2 part 1
Matter 2 part 2
Electromagnets 2 part 1
Electromagnets 2 part 2
All groups will also have 1 lesson a fortnight where they develop their Working Scientifically skills.
In term 1 and 2 they will look at
Weekly EDUCAKE homework ( throughout the year. Always set on a Monday, Due in on a Sunday (last Sunday of a holiday if the homework was set on the last week of a term).
Every topic will have a part 1 and part 2 assessment (approximately 20-25 marks) to track progress through the year.
Curriculum Information Term 1 and 2 |
Assessment information Term 1 |
Recap of phonics. Using the present tense, opinions & instructional language to talk about school subjects, teachers, rules and facilities. Using high level structures to discuss what you would change. Using the 1st person preterite to say what you did at school the previous day/week. |
Cumulative scores from 5 vocabulary quizzes Writing: Four word question (FQ2) |
Assessment information Term 2 |
Cumulative scores from 5 vocabulary quizzes Reading/Grammar: Grammar gap fill questions |